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EC 2013 (3 Beiträge)

  1. Anya7
    178 Beiträge

    Gibt es Info und Genehmigung auf EC -2013 in Barcelona? Wird es in der Montjuic Schwimmbad sein?

    vor 12 Jahre veröffentlicht # Antworten
  2. Anya7
    178 Beiträge

    Some info from the comission.
    26 Oct. 2012
    The Commission recently received the Kazan 2013 CMAS Games information packet. Underwater rugby was to have been a sport at the competition. Unfortunately, the dimensions of the pool are not in conformity with the regulations for underwater rugby.

    In Kazan, the pool's physical width -- which becomes the length when playing underwater rugby -- is 25m and its depth is 5.5m. CMAS official rules cannot permit this pool as a venue, since the playing area is 7m too long and 0.5m too deep. We cannot, therefore, sanction the event.

    Furthermore, our understanding was that the next CMAS Games were scheduled to take place in 2015.

    We wish the other sports success in Kazan and hope to take part next time.

    The CMAS Board of Director and representatives of national underwater rugby organizations have been informed of our decision.

    Sincerely yours,

    The CMAS Underwater Rugby Commission

    Søren Neubert (President)
    Manuel Tito de Morais (Chief Referee)
    Michele Corleto
    Rüdiger Hüls

    Davrell Tien (Associate Member/Communications)

    I heard last weekend that the UWR comission was obliged to find a suitable for UWR pool in Kazan where the CMAS games will be held on in August 2013.In the Russian UW calendar UWR already has the dates 10-14 August, but it might change. The town has many new pools, but most are too big (50*25m), like the one mentioned in the letter - Orgsyntez . The only suitable one I could find in the city:
    25m pool, 6 lanes, 4m deep,Russian Championship in Aquathlon 2011 was held there. Renewed, http://www.planetavozduha.ru/pics/basseyni_v_kazani000002.jpg , a part of a big Youth complex "Ak Bars". http://www.mcakbars.ru/about.html The biggest problem - there is not enough space on the balcony for spectators. They would have to be seated in other halls...

    On 4-5 December there will be a seminar(meeting) of all coaches and managers of Russian Underwater federation. I will try to forward the info on this 25m pool and wait for the result of the discussion.

    vor 12 Jahre veröffentlicht # Antworten
  3. Anya7
    178 Beiträge

    Is there any info on EC-2014?

    vor 11 Jahre veröffentlicht # Antworten


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