
UWR Forum » Liga und Turniere

UWR-teams in the US (3 Beiträge)

  1. Seb
    3 Beiträge

    Hi all,

    This is my first post in this forum. I will stick to English in case any player from across the pond will read this.

    I'm currently planning a Postdoc in the US. This will not start till nextz year, but I would like to know which cities in the US have UWR teams upfront. Of course this is not a major point on deciding where to go, but it might turn the balance.

    The only information I got on the I-net is about a team located in Massachusetts. Their webpage seems to be a bit out of date, so I wondered if they still play UWR up there.

    Yours Sebastian

    vor 15 Jahre veröffentlicht # Antworten
  2. Hannes
    399 Beiträge

    Hi Seb,
    indeed, UWR teams are very sparse in the US. UWH is much more common.
    To get into contact, I suggest using the Yahoogroup "UWRUGBY-USA" http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/UWRUGBY-USA/ which is read by most US players or facebook.
    Good luck, Hannes

    vor 15 Jahre veröffentlicht # Antworten
  3. Henrik Stewenius
    43 Beiträge

    When I was doing my postdoc I checked and then there was only the Massachusetts team. Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to go and train with them so I do not know more than that. I had to fly to Europe to play....

    vor 15 Jahre veröffentlicht # Antworten


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