Laut dem Italienischen UWR Blog hat sich der italienische Tauchsportverband FIPSAS jetzt offiziell bei der CMAS als Ausrichter für eine Europameisterschaft im Unterwasserrugby 2010 beworben. Falls alles gut geht soll das Turnier in der letzten Mai- und ersten Juniwoche in Florenz stattfinden.
Ähnliches hatte ich auch schon beim Champions Cup gehört.
Es kann gut sein, dass das Unterwasser Rugby Forum trotzdem funktioniert.
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It would be nice if the post above included which pool would be used. The pool I remember is a very large pool where games are played in a limited volume in the middle. That means no wall behind the goal etc. I had no feeling that this was a pool well suited for high level tournaments.
That being said Florens is a city well worth a visit and the sun is nice and warm.
Actually (at least the last championship held in Firenze) it is possible playing rubgy in that pool without using some important restrictions, just that it is played across the width of the pool. It means that we played using the walls behind the goal.
The pool is heated and in my opinion is really nice playing UWR there.
„The “Costoli” pool is an open air one, 18 m. wide, 25 m. long and 4.90 m. deep. The play-yard is reduced to 18 m. x 12 m. by means of temporary lanes.“
we played the annual Firence Cup there last summer and it’s really a great pool in a great city as long as the weather is good.
Hi everybody, CMAS yesterday (26.02) gave its OK to organize the EC in Firenze. We’ll send the invitation next week. By now I would like to say that the playing area is 18x12x4,90 m with baskets screwed to the bottom next to wall (and no temporary lanes…), as everybody who played Firenze Cup in the last 3 years well knows….
It’s a PERFECT swimming pool to play UWR.