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How do YOU score goals? (28 Beiträge)

  1. fischbrot
    17 Beiträge

    For most goals, i need much speed and the two levers:
    One between my left shoulder-wall/floor/goal and the keepers neck or butt - and one between my shoulder and the defender trying to get hold of the ball in my armpit, which requires a dream pass beforehand and me being fully aware of the defender xD
    Once decided to put the chicken in the oven just do it so fast that the half-second reaction time doesn't allow your opponents to apply any countermethod...

    vor 15 Jahre veröffentlicht # Antworten
  2. winne
    525 Beiträge

    This is all theoretical.
    We talked about 1 to 1 situations.
    What is with a (good) devense?

    Mostly scoring is not a result of a perfect attack. It is a result of failures from the devense and the goal keeper.

    But it is equal: "Put the chicken into the oven." or "pump it in" yeah...

    vor 15 Jahre veröffentlicht # Antworten
  3. winne
    525 Beiträge

    This is all theoretical.
    We talked about 1 to 1 situations.
    What is with a (good) devense?

    Mostly scoring is not a result of a perfect attack. It is a result of failures from the devense and the goal keeper.

    But it is equal: "Put the chicken into the oven." or "pump it in" yeah...

    vor 15 Jahre veröffentlicht # Antworten
  4. Henrik Stewenius
    43 Beiträge

    I meant how you score during game. Most of the time that is against a defense that is in place.

    I am not so sure that scoring has to be that chaotic and unsystematic. Winne, could you put online some entertaining video of Molde killing of some top team?

    My own experience is that a significant number of goals are done by players playing with a plan and an idea how they want to score.

    As for counter-moves by the goalkeeper, I strongly suspect that these get LESS efficient as the game on the goal is getting tighter since he does not know what to react to and it is very difficult to know at what side the ball is.

    vor 15 Jahre veröffentlicht # Antworten
  5. winne
    525 Beiträge

    videos molde vs ...

    goal keeper "... it is very difficult to know at what side the ball is..."

    Sometimes I look more to the players and not to the ball.
    Because a ball cant go allone into the goal.
    Is there no attacker or a defender present on one side i can put my power more to the other side.

    vor 15 Jahre veröffentlicht # Antworten
  6. Felix
    74 Beiträge

    I understand your situation. Some years ago we made fun of the then unreachable top teams, too. Now I often marvel at how fast the perspective changed. I just hope that it won't change so fast again...

    What I meant was that my attacks from above are chaotic, not that it has to be so for attacking in general.
    For example, as we all now, scandinavian and west-german teams attack in repetitive schemes. Very controlled and the opposite of chaotic.

    vor 15 Jahre veröffentlicht # Antworten
  7. marja
    4 Beiträge

    I think there are some basic rules how goals are often (not always!) scored in UWR:

    - Never work alone: The most goals occure after a well-played attack from more than one player
    - Make sure that the goal keeper doesn't recognized you to early
    - Be quick and explosive

    In my opinion the chances to score are at minimum, when the goalie knows where you (and the ball) are and if you give him time to react.
    So my plan to score is: I try to read the game, if situation is "good" get in position near the goal and when i get the ball, i try to use fast techniques like pushing my head up with both hands on the ball on the ground. This technique works from both sides because you use both hands. Sometimes i try to get a grip around the hips of the goali, but this is a little bit to slow for good attackers from your opponent, and works for me only from one side

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSoLKZ5LKig&feature=related Bamberg is destroying Duisburg at German Championchip

    2:39 Someone disturbs the defence by "attacking". Attention of defence is focused on the attacker. Right in time (i think it's lukbuk) gets in place, takes the balls and fires before the goalie recognized

    5:57 This scoring technique i like to know;o)


    1:55 My favorite goal @Felix your attacks are chaotic, but just that is the plan;o) it looks like you grab the goalie, start chaos and if a little hole appears due to your chaos, then you score - during my short time playing with Bamberg i see a few goals like that but i never get behind the secret how to get the in the basket so fast in this position.

    So far from my side


    vor 15 Jahre veröffentlicht # Antworten
  8. Anya7
    178 Beiträge

    some scoring you can see here

    these are Betta matches

    vor 15 Jahre veröffentlicht # Antworten


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