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Die eurer Meinung nach besten Flossen? (45 Beiträge)

  1. Hannes
    399 Beiträge

    Lange Füße, was?

    Ich fand die Najade interessant, aber doch net soo gut. Die sind in die eine Richtung (Bein nach vorn, wenn man sie richtig an hat) viel weicher als in die andere. Hab sie daher zurückgegeben.

    vor 13 Jahre veröffentlicht # Antworten
  2. bollaby
    1 Beiträge

    Thanks for the feedback on the Najad fins. I've been eyeing those online but haven't heard anything about them from someone who's actually tried! I will recommend them to people in our club thinking about upgrading, as an alternative to GFK.

    Personally I've been using the NEMO Rugby fins and find them to be excellent. With medium hardness, acceleration is definitely noticeably better than with my Mares Quattros. Top speed is about the same though, but acceleration is very important as it means I get a lot less hands catching my ankles.

    If anyone else is thinking about getting the NEMOs, just a hint: Bogdan, the owner of the company, will gladly give you a small discount if you buy with just one or two other friends.

    p.s. do they still make the Stratos and the PlanaPlus/Corsicas? both seem hard to find on google.

    vor 13 Jahre veröffentlicht # Antworten
  3. Provaider
    89 Beiträge

    I geht ne new pair of Stratos in 2010.
    But Plana Plus ans Plana are out of Stock and you have finde some old one in the net. But it is nerly impossible to finde Plana Plus, the normal Plana is possible.

    vor 13 Jahre veröffentlicht # Antworten
  4. Schenkeli
    164 Beiträge

    Never had any problems getting Stratos Fins, for example here: http://www.speeddiving.de/uwr/index.php?menue=m2_&sm=27&lang=2

    vor 13 Jahre veröffentlicht # Antworten
  5. Kala
    18 Beiträge

    We have quite many of these Najade/La Palma fins as they are produced in Hungary, although new ones cost quite a lot. Some use closed, some use open-heeled, some use inverted ones. I've never heard about anybody cutting them, but we do repair the cuts on old ones with some extra rubber and rubber glue like this one:
    This way their life can be extended 2-4 times... When played in them regulary, like 2 times a week, it can mean 8 years even!
    As for me, I like these little fins much more than the Stratos. They are easy to carry, much softer and comfortable, easy to turn with them, easy to swim, still they are much faster than the other fins! At least, for me...

    vor 13 Jahre veröffentlicht # Antworten


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